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1. The purpose why companies conduct external training 

The easiness and accessibility of digital business is an enabler of global business growth for companies. We are committed to manage our business to plan for the future. The trend of a new E-Commerce (electronic commerce) business pattern can meet the changing market demands better and seize new market opportunities. Companies can share learning resources through interactions and social channels of high degree of freedom. This operating model can appeal external paid users and distributers to be highly involved in business development plans, facilitate information sharing and innovation, and gradually transforms external training from a “cost center” to a “profit center”. 

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2. The value of external training 

The rise of a hybrid working mode has accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises, which has in turn driven the demand for talent management cloud services in China. With the learning management platform provided by aTalent, enterprises can quickly achieve promotion in both “management” and “business” level. Your enterprise can actively expand business networks, promote relationships with external partners, drive business performance growth, and maintain high levels of customer and partner engagement. 

In the report “China and the World: Understanding the Changing Economic Ties”, McKinsey pointed out that the market penetration rate of multinational companies in the Chinese consumer market is already much higher than in the U.S. The diverse training approach brought by the aTalent LMS can help enhance your company’s external reputation and impression, and also strengthen its competitiveness in the current global market. 

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3. Secrets of hidden champion companies 

Vector, the hidden champion in the industry of global automotive manufacturing-related design software, has been providing professional R&D tools, embedded software components and technical support to manufacturers and component suppliers in the automotive and related industries for more than 30 years.  

In China, the second largest automotive market in the world, Vector is sharing its own valuable experience and global leading technology through aTalent’s LMS with its software users and other external users, in order to build its own diversified user ecosystem of its product starting from April 2022. By bringing more international content of high quality to Chinese experts in related fields, Vector will become more efficient and agile in delivering its own corporate value. 

Starting from the project selection stage, aTalent has been working on delivery, promotion and experience sharing for a period of six months to help Vector China project team become its global star team. So far, the platform has about 3,000 monthly active users. 

As a epitome of external training and empowered business growth, Vector has built an exclusive user community with the help of aTalent learning management platform, immersing external members in a highly branded learning experience. Through E-Commerce, payment gateways, and 35+ local integrations and API interfaces, the company’s learning management platform is connected to existing business systems tools (AMS, CRM etc.) to fully enhance the commercialization value of corporate member training. 

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