Event Recap | aTalent’s 2022 Go Global缩略图
Event Recap | aTalent’s 2022 Go Global

Boosted by the new wave of “One Belt, One Road”, both state-owned and private enterprises have a stronger desire to see the world. On March 4, 2022, aTalent, together with Oracle and ADP, co-organized the “Hope for the East, Look at the World”-Human Resource Management Forum for Overseas Enterprises in Shanghai. The forum focused on […]

10 Performance Management Trends of 2022

Let these 10 performance management trends guide you towards the new way of working that is coming. The ultimate connectivity has changed the way we work, the way we manage our teams, and communicate within our organizations. The new world of work is not in the future, it’s already here and it’s shaping the workforce in […]