7 Steps to an Effective Employee Onboarding Process缩略图

First experiences will last for a long time. The employee onboarding process at your company is your opportunity to make a positive first impression on new employees. The goal of this process should be to make the new employee feel accepted, respected, and ready to excel in their new role.A recent report by the Society for Human Resource Management showed that 1 in 25 employees leave their new jobs because of bad onboarding experiences. 

Poor onboarding can have a variety of negative consequences. It has the potential to set a new employee up for failure, stifle workplace productivity, and alter an employee’s perception of your business. As a result, high costs and even higher turnover rates could be the result.

Here are seven ways to make the onboarding process more effective for your employees.

1) Prepare the coworkers for the arrival of the new employee

Send an invitation to all workers, either in person or by email, prior to the new employee’s first day on the job, welcoming them to the company. The announcement should describe the new employee’s position, experience, and responsibilities at your company, as well as encourage other employees to welcome them.

Employees will be prepared to support a new team member on their first day if they are informed ahead of time. This will go a long way toward easing the transition for the new employee.

2) Make sure the new employee’s workstation is set up and ready to go

When it comes to an employee’s first impression of your business, having a “home base” that is ready for their arrival is critical. Nothing is more frustrating than not getting the resources you need to succeed as a new employee. Setting up the new employee’s computer, email, and phone numbers ahead of time, as well as having any required office supplies, will make them feel respected right away.

3) Ascertain that your new hire has access to any services that are needed.

In line with getting their workstation ready, make sure the new employee has access to any programs, software or electronic files they will need before their first day. Skipping this step can stunt the new employee’s training, stall their ability to get to work and, in turn, affect their outlook on your company.

4) Make introductions

Make sure the new employee has access to any programs, applications, or electronic files they may need before their first day, in conjunction with having their workstation ready. If you skip this phase, the new employee’s preparation will be hampered, their ability to get to work will be hampered, and their perception of your business will be harmed.

5) Plan a team lunch

Within the first week, schedule a lunch meeting or an after-work get-together for the new employee and their immediate team mates. This will help to break the ice and encourage the employee to get to know their new coworkers in a comfortable setting. This move doesn’t even include leaving the office; workers can bring their lunch and meet in a conference room. ake the time to learn a little bit about your new employee outside of the interview process. When an employee feels valued by their team on both a personal and professional level, they are more likely to stick around for the long haul.  

6) Train your newbies

Training should take up the first week or so for the new employee. There are bound to be gaps between firms, even though the employee has done the same job role elsewhere. Having a training plan in place is critical for new hires to get their feet wet in a business. The rules, processes, practices, and standards of the organization should all be covered in your preparation. Defining what is required of new workers establishes a baseline against which they can assess their satisfaction in their new role.

Assigning a mentor from the employee’s department will also assist them in acclimating to their new role by providing them with someone who can answer their questions and walk them through some of their tasks.

7) Don’t forget to follow up

This is the most crucial move, and it is often ignored by employers. Stick to your 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day check-ins with the new hire. And if you believe the employee is doing well and does not need an assessment, meet with them. This is your chance to gain a better understanding of your company’s onboarding process from the employee’s viewpoint. Find out what they liked and didn’t like about your process and make changes as you see fit.

Onboarding processes that work represent the time and effort that went into them. Take the time to reflect and complete your homework. The first few weeks have the greatest impact on a new hire’s perception of your company, whether positive or negative, and set the stage for their long-term relationship with your company.

7 Steps to an Effective Employee Onboarding Process插图1

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