aTalent’s performance management new feature: OKR缩略图

More often than never, employers and employees struggle to set goals, track goals, and iterate goals. In fact, most objectives and goals from a past initiative are often disregarded to make room for a new attempt, a new resolution and new trial.

Eventually, the outcome is that objectives become less significant: on the grounds that they aren’t forward looking, representatives don’t utilize them to control their work and don’t fill in as helpful execution pointers.

Yet, extraordinary objectives direct our work consistently. We think back on what we set off to achieve and perceive how we advanced and developed, and we can obviously associate our commitments to the accomplishment of the business all in all.

Objectives (and key results) should be infused consistently, while their effect and reason should be obvious to representatives, hence the need to drive the execution forward. That is the reason we are presenting today aTalent’s brand new OKR feature, on our Performance Management product.

This new OKR Feature helps teams to set significant objectives that representatives use to self-persuade, focus on, and take part in their work. It’s not simply falling objectives, or more robotized objective setting measures, it’s a network of interconnected Objectives and Key Results items that simplify overviewing the progress of high-performing groups.

1. Simplified User Experience

In seconds, colleagues are able to oversee company-wide OKRs, zoom-in to their personal plan, and view interconnected dependencies. In one click, users can adjust their individual accomplishment and perceive what their work means for the whole business and organization.

2. Clear Progress tracking

Via the OKR page or directly from their dashboard, HR and managers are able to continuously follow their peers’ progress, schedule rapid check-ins and simply assign a series of skill and competency courses to further develop and nurture their talents.

The ability to create tasks allows people to follow through on key results and optionally break down those key results into smaller chunks of effort. Supervisors can continuously guide and refocus their team’s attention by creating tasks and providing useful feedback at any time.

3. Direct Feedback

Peers and managers are able to give feedback on each and everyone’s progress. Access and permissions being editable via our admin panel, taking into account the correct degree of customization and control, it gives administrators prompt bits of knowledge on progress and cooperation to settle on more proactive choices about organization objective setting.

Simplifying goal settings and OKR management has been at the top of our priorities in the past few months. While some companies still prefer using the KPI or goal cascade approach (also available on our product), we anticipate a massive adoption of this new feature, and certainly welcome any further feedback and ideas from you to our R&D department.

More exciting news and features to follow very soon! Stay tuned and, for new joiners, click here to schedule your 1on1 product demo.

aTalent’s performance management new feature: OKR插图3

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