How to maximize the return on investment of talent management?缩略图
How to maximize the return on investment of talent management?

Talent management is an investment, not just an expense. By assessing the return on investment (R.O.I) of talent management effort, companies can measure the investment and return on various areas of talent management. Therefore, companies can determine their outstanding performance and the need for improvement. This graph helps managers to understand and accurately control R.O.I […]

The Evolution of Learning Experience Platform (LXP)缩略图
The Evolution of Learning Experience Platform (LXP)

In the previous post about LXP, we briefly introduced you to the definition and position of LXP. However, for a product that grows at twice the rate every year, you need to learn more. Four phases of learning management platform 1980-2000 Enterprises purchase learning management systems to develop offline training courses and book classrooms in […]

An ultimate guide to effective performance review缩略图
An ultimate guide to effective performance review

What is performance review and coaching? Performance review is a formal and ongoing assessment in which managers evaluate an employee’s work performance and discuss how to achieve future set goals. Performance coaching is an effective feedback process to direct and redirect work efforts and behaviors. Why do we need performance review and coaching?  In a […]

How to use OKR to achieve efficient performance management?缩略图
How to use OKR to achieve efficient performance management?

What is OKR? OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is now widely used in agile enterprises. It is a simple and effective system for enterprises to carry out goal management. It can penetrate the goal management from the top to the bottom and can quickly collect each team’s creative inputs, as well as motivate employees.   OKR […]

Organization Goal, Strategy Clarification and Decoding缩略图
Organization Goal, Strategy Clarification and Decoding

What on earth is strategy decoding? In short, Strategy decoding refers to the process of transforming an organization’s strategy into understandable and executable behavior by all employees through visual methods. What are the basic principles of strategic decoding: 1. The principle of vertical consistency: Based on the company’s strategy and business objectives of the department, it is vertically decomposed […]