How to improve the candidate experience with technology in 3 steps缩略图

83 percent of HR professionals say they’ve had trouble seeking appropriate candidates in the last year.

The scarcity of qualified candidates is a persistent issue that makes it difficult to locate, recruit, and retain qualified candidates. As a result, HR executives have radically altered their approach to talent acquisition.

Experience is one of the most important emerging developments at the intersection of humanity and technology. Workers today want a positive experience in all aspects of their lives. If they don’t get one, they move on to another store with better customer service, a new technology with more creative features, or the next work opportunity with a better applicant experience.

That means it’s time for HR teams to take a closer look at their processes, from contacting candidates to sending out final offer letters, and understand how new technology can aid in providing a memorable candidate experience.

1. Technology eases frustrations

Candidates are frustrated by long, vague applications and a lack of contact. In reality, if they haven’t heard back from an employer within two weeks of applying for a job, more than half of applicants will give up, and 82 percent expect a consistent timetable for the hiring process. Fortunately, technologies such as mobile recruitment and video will greatly assist in resolving these issues.

Going where the candidates are: their mobile devices is one way to stay in contact with them. Just 13% of employers claim they have sufficiently invested in mobile recruitment capabilities, despite the fact that candidates are increasingly searching for and applying for jobs from their phones. By making it easy for candidates to access career pages and apply to jobs via mobile, HR teams can simplify the application process and incorporate real-time responses into the app to keep candidates engaged.

Video also enhances contact by encouraging candidates to communicate with a recruiter face-to-face via video chat interviews, giving them visual insight into the organization and its processes—day-in-the-life videos of employees or videos that clearly spell out how recruiting works at the company.

2. New technologies engage candidates from the start

Today’s technology, such as gamification and virtual reality, will help create a special, immersive candidate experience in recruitment. Gamification, for example, will help HR gain a greater understanding of a candidate’s skill set and attitudes while also generating curiosity and enthusiasm from candidates. Marriott International, for example, created a game where candidates run a virtual hotel as a way to screen new hires.

Job seekers may use virtual reality to try out various positions or take a virtual tour of a workplace., for example, developed a virtual reality candidate experience in which candidates can attend a business happy hour with employees or sit in on a meeting with the CEO. And, using an Oculus Rift headset, General Mills created a virtual tour of their headquarters, which they carry to job fairs.

3. Personalization breeds strong relationships

Creating a positive candidate experience begins with building relationships with candidates. Just 15% of global business leaders believe their organizations do a good job of maintaining and tracking long-term relationships with future talent. Chatbots, for example, can be used to humanize recruitment and establish confidence right away.

Chatbots are getting better at natural language processing, giving HR teams more options including sorting resumes, asking applicants questions, and delivering details to recruiters.

According to global industry analyst Josh Bersin, “of all the possible areas for AI and cognitive technology to add value to HR, [chatbots] could be the biggest.” “While the technology is still new, success stories are becoming more popular, so I believe it is time for any organization to put AI-based evaluation on their to-do list.”

Recruiters will be able to save time by automating activities as technology progresses and becomes more knowledgeable, allowing them to concentrate on the more strategic aspects of candidate relationships. HR professionals can enhance the end-to-end applicant experience by integrating the right technologies into the recruitment process.

HR professionals today manage an increasing number of applications. aTalent Talent Acquisition Platform can help ensure a positive experience for each one, with the ability to track and communicate with each applicant seamlessly, and much more.
How to improve the candidate experience with technology in 3 steps插图1

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