
It hasn’t been long since termonboarding made an appearance on the talent management radar. After all, the original, traditional way of doing things is the best way to go “To be fair, the “onboarding” concept was rather straightforward: “OK, here’s your cubicle, computer, desk, phone, ID badge, and a guide to the nearest lavatory.” Best of luck!”

Onboarding has taken on a new meaning in recent years as the importance of bringing new individuals into an organization has been recognized for its crucial link to engagement. Simply said, onboarding is the strategic vehicle for quickly moving new talent into – and out of – the organizational maze to a higher level of engagement and, as a result, productivity.In other words, if done correctly, onboarding allows a new employee to hit the ground running and get off to a great start.

Welcoming a new employee to the team may be the start of a productive relationship, from pre-screening to recruiting and onboarding. It could also be the start of a missed chance. Missed chances equate to costly oversights for firms with workforces of 500-600 people.

Consider the fact that, even with this new emphasis on onboarding, studies show that one-third of all external hires leave within two years. That’s a particularly unpleasant effect for small enterprises, which need to focus on their company objectives rather than the costly merry-go-round of hiring new employees.

Onboard strategy :A small investment yields a large profit

You may have noticed that employee engagement is a hot topic in both the mainstream and trade press. After all, a productive and happy staff is one that is engaged. It should come as no surprise that when someone joins your organization, onboarding is the catalyst, the area where engagement truly begins.

Here are some pointers on how to create an efficient onboarding strategy:

  1. Make sure you understand what skills are required for success, as well as how those skills relate to business results.
  2. Provide structured development support in the first few weeks.
  3. In the initial few weeks, provide organized development help.
  4. Early in the onboarding process, create a clear road map for success.
  5. Make every effort to understand what motivates and drives any new hire. Plan how you’ll enhance his or her level of involvement.

Finally, successful onboarding necessitates micro-engagement based on what matters most to the individual. Furthermore, the most successful businesses do not terminate their onboarding program after a week or two. To be effective, onboarding should take place early in the employee’s career.In some leading companies, in fact, onboarding is a two-year process – a strong indicator of its importance.

Clearly, today’s onboarding must be a far deeper, more significant endeavor than simply facilitating the completion of new recruit paperwork. It’s time to reconsider your approach and shift to onboarding that works if it doesn’t function as a primary driver of employee engagement – getting the new worker pumped up and busy right away.

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Onboarding: the #1 step to employee engagement插图1

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